September 22, 2011

The Life of Lily Bug

Lily is such a good baby. We are so blessed to have her in our lives. Here are a few pictures of our sweet girl.

Her smile is so contagious! It doesn't take much to make her smile. She is such a happy baby.

She is learning to sit up on her own. Her big blue eyes are what kill me in this photo. She just melts my heart!

 We just bought her a bumbo and she LOVES it! I can sit her in it while I get ready in the morning or when I am cooking and she will just sit and stare at me. It is so nice!

Lily love her Tub Time. We always give her a bath before she goes to bed and she sleeps so good! It definitely does the trick. 

So this is where I put Lily in her crib when she goes to bed.........

And this is where she ends up in the morning when she wakes up. She manages to scoot herself all the way down to the bottom of her crib. Hilarious! 

This is such a sweet picture. Davis just loves Lily and we were getting him to give her some kisses. Precious!

Before we had Lily, Toby was the center of attention. It was a little rough for him when we brought her home. He even pooped in her bedroom a few times to let us know how he felt about the whole situation. But since then he has really warmed up to her. This picture shows a pretty typical nap session for Lily and Toby is snuggled up right next to her. So cute.
 Bryce was not very happy when my friend Mandy gave Lily a bikini at one of my baby showers, but I couldn't help myself. I think it is just adorable so we had to snap some pictures of her. 

This is a video of the first time Lily laughed. I was just changing her diaper and for some reason she thought I was really funny. Enjoy. 

September 21, 2011

East Canyon Trip

We went up to the East Canyon Resort over the 24th of July with the Burnham family. There were a lot of people up there this year. Darrin and Nikki were home from Ohio so they were able to come for a few days.Dave,Becca, and her friends Dani and Jordan were there as well. And to make the trip even more fun, Becca invited two kids from The Czech Republic. Their names were Lanka and Vilam (I know this is not how they spell their names, but I have no clue how so that is the best I can do). They were so funny! They really made the trip a blast. 

We spent most of the trip boating of course. We did a lot of wakeboarding and some of us skied. It was great because Vilam and Lanka had never been on a boat before. Vilam got up on a wakeboard his first try and he was jumping after his third run. It was incredible! I swear he was better than me by the end of the trip (that isn't saying much because i am not great). Dave even let them drive the boat and they both loved it. 

We brought Lily with us and she did great! She slept well for us and she loved being on the boat. I don't know what it is about the boat but it seems to calm her down and she really enjoys it.

This picture explains how crazy the Burnham family is! Bryce and Becca are two peas in a pod. We had so much fun in East Canyon, it was great to spend the week with family and friends.

Lily's Newborn Photos

The week after we brought Lily home our friend Alice Nelson came over to our house to take Lily's newborn photos. She did such an amazing job! 

It took us 4 hours to finish all of the photos. She was so good to let us put her in many different positions. It was really hard to keep her happy and asleep through all of it, but she survived the torture. 

 Alice did such an amazing job! I couldn't have asked for anything more.