March 17, 2012

8 Months, 2 Teeth, and a New Car Seat

Lily's first tooth popped through on January 25th, which is her 8 month birthday. A few weeks later her second tooth came through. So now she has the most adorable two teeth on the bottom of her mouth. I heard that babies were supposed to be super fussy when they start teething, but Lily wasn't too bad. She seemed a little bugged, but she really wasn't bad at all.

Lily is now big enough for a new car seat. It was really difficult for Bryce and I to decide on one. He really wanted to get the Britax car seat because it was one of the best rated, but they were extremely expensive. So he found one on ksl and bought it. But when he brought it home I did not approve. I really wanted her to have a new one. So it took a lot of arguing, but I finally got my way! We gave the Britax to my mom so she could have one to herself, and we bought a new one for Lily. Mommy and Lily were very happy.

She still is not crawling yet, but she rolls everywhere! It is so funny to watch her barrel roll all over the room. I'm sure she will start crawling soon, but I am fine if she takes her time. She is growing up so fast, it is breaking my heart. My sweet baby has such a personality now and we love her more every day!

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