As the summer comes to an end, so do the boating trips. So sad! But we had a lot of fun this year out on the water. We did not get to enjoy Lake Powell this year because of the arrival of Lily Bug, and because Darrin and Nikki were in Ohio, but we still had a lot of fun this summer.
We went to East Canyon a few times, but mostly we went up to Willard Bay. We did a lot of wakeboarding and a little bit of skiing. And this year we purchased a knee board which has been so much fun!!
We had a lot of wipeouts this year but luckily no major injuries. Poor Becca was the only one to get injured. She was trying to get into the boat and the door on the ladder slammed down on her fingers. She had a really bad blood blister on one finger and a bruised nail on the other. She recovered quickly, but her nail is still badly bruised.
Bryce is known for his sweet wipeouts, as you can see in the picture above. We were lucky to catch it on camera. He pushed himself pretty hard this year. He was able to jump, clear the wake, do some board grabs, and some one eighties. He attempted to do a three sixty many times, but he was never successful. Maybe next year babe!
We have had a lot of fun on the knee board. We have tried some side slides and three sixties, and Bryce was even able to jump the knee board which was hilarious to watch. Becca had to trump us all though by trying to stand up on the knee board. This picture proves she was successful, but she did fall off shortly after.
Becca and I have been working on getting more air when we jump. The picture above is about as good as it gets. It is no where close to where Bryce is at, but I still think it is pretty good. We had so much fun this year and can't wait until next summer!!
YEAH I am so glad you started a Blog! Now we can keep in touch better and I can see pictures of that cute little baby girl! Hope you are doing well. Take care, love ya guys.